I don't think anyone looks at this anymore now that digital cel is over, but I figured I might still update every now and again just for fun. I just got a Cintiq of my very own (its the 12 inch one, but it still works the same way), so I want to get back into the swing of animating on a regular basis while I continue to work on my reel and portfolio and try to look for a job. Also, I wrote a poem. I am thinking about illustrating it, especially now that I got my Cintiq. Here it is, for the enjoyment of anyone who might still check their blogs:
Patapillar the Caterpillar
By Sandy Bouman
This is Patapillar the jolly, green caterpillar.
He lives in a tree with his Mom and Dadapillar.
One sunny day, on a Tuesday last spring,
Something happened -a horrible, terrible thing!
On his way to meet his friend Jeff at the zoo,
Patapillar noticed that he had lost his left shoe.
He looked here and there, and he searched far and wide,
But he couldn’t find it, so he sat down and cried.
While Patapillar sat there sulking under a tree,
Along came a rather glad looking bee.
The little bee stopped when he saw the sad fellow,
Who looked up at the bee all happy and yellow.
The bee asked, “How can you be sad on a day like today?”
“The birds are all singing, and the sky is not gray.”
Patapillar replied, “This day could not get any bleaker!”
“I’m late for the zoo, and I’ve lost my left sneaker!”
“Well,” said the bee, “I think you’re in luck.”
“Look at that over there, in the mud, nice and stuck.”
“My shoe!” exclaimed Patapillar, “thanks Mr. Bee!”
“Would you be so kind as to help pull it free?”
They grabbed on to the shoe, and they held on tight,
And they pulled and they yanked with all of their might.
Then, all of a sudden, with a loud squelching sound,
They got that left sneaker up out of the ground.
Patapillar said, “Thank you for finding my shoe!”
“Would you like to come with me to meet Jeff at the zoo?”
“Sure thing!” said the bee, “That sounds like fun!”
“But you’re already late, so we’d better run!”
So, off ran Patapillar and his new friend,
And now all that is left to say is: The End.