My name is Sandy Bouman*, as you can see by the title of this blog, and my favorite color is green, as you can see by the color of this blog. I will be graduating at the end of May from the Savannah College of Art and Design with a degree in animation, assuming I continue with my current trend of passing all of my classes. I have a minor in storyboarding, and I have taken enough writing classes to almost have a minor in that, too. I feel that I am a storyteller at heart. I am not what one might consider verbose, so I get most of my ideas out on paper, whether through writing, animating, or drawing.
If you wish for the details of my life story to remain a mystery, stop reading now. If not, I will now tell you breifly about myself.
I come from the tiny town of Waynesville, Ohio. Waynesville was once considered the "Antique capitol of the Midwest," is one of the most haunted cities in Ohio, and is home to the annual Sauerkraut Festival. I have two dogs, and an older sister. I drive a 1998 Saturn SL2 named Carl. The first memory I have of seeing a movie in the theater is Disney's "The Lion King." I have loved drawing since I could hold a pencil. The only other occupation besides animation/writing/art that I have ever wanted to do was when I went through my dinosaur phase in the second grade, and I wanted to be a paleontologist. I happened across SCAD almost on accident during my junior year of high school, I applied, and I got in. The rest is history...
*In case you were wondering, my last name is pronounced liked it would be if it were spelled "Bowman," but apparently my Dutch ancestors preferred the letter "u."
Daffy Duck is such a great character, it was nice to come across him in your blog. Keep posting!