Friday, March 27, 2009


The piece that I want to do for my final animation is simple. There will not be any dialogue and very minimal sound effects. I want there to be music in the background. Hopefully, I can get my sound designer roommate to create a piece, or at least find something without a copyright that will work. My story is fairly straight forward. It is as follows:

There is a house with a happy birthday banner hanging above the door. There is a cactus in a flower pot sitting next to the porch. A single, red balloon with a happy face drawn on it is tied to the mailbox. The cactus wakes up, stretching and yawning. It looks around at the new day, only to notice the balloon swaying in the breeze. It becomes fixated by the balloon, wanting it for its very own. The cactus reaches out for the balloon, but falls over in its pot. It picks itself back up and hops over to the mailbox. Once there, the cactus unties the balloon. Happy with himself, he gives his new friend a hug. Then, all of a sudden, POP!!! The balloon is no more, and the cactus is left sitting heartbroken by the mailbox.

Any suggestions or comments would be appreciated, as well as suggestions for a title. I never know what to call anything. If I don’t receive any good suggestions, I will get stuck calling it something boring like “The Cactus and the Balloon.”


  1. Awww... That is too cute and sad. D: Hmm... I can't wait to see some illustration and design on the guy and the environment! Maybe the title can be something about birthday? Or like, if it is "Happy Birthday" the title can be the actual banner? Bah, just a suggestion.

  2. I read yours several times last night and every time I wanted the cactus to get that balloon. He would be so happy with it, but alas...he shall never have his latex love. It's so sad and cute I'll want to cry and laugh and watch it over and over. I do like Annisa's suggestion of the banner working as the title and then pulling down from that to the cactus. But other than that I really don't have many suggestions or ideas to help you out. It looks great so far!

  3. aww....very cute but such a sad ending lol. butt its still amusing..very simple but that is cool...I think it be good! Also, for sound, one site that I know of off the top of my head that doesn't have licensed music is Newgrounds..they have a audio portal..people post submissions with audio made by some Newground person all the time..and I'm sure the creator of whatever music wouldn't mind if you used their stuff for a class assignment...
