Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Production Schedule

Here is the breakdown of how much time I think that each part of my project will take. Due to life being life, it is probably going to take more time than I think it will, but I should still be able to get it all done.

Time Breakdown for Final Project


Scene 1: 2 hours
Scene 2: 1.5 hours (use for scenes 4, 6, and 8)
Scene 3: 1.5 hours (use for scenes 5, 7, 12, 14, 15, and 17)
Scene 9: 1.5 hours (use for scenes 10 and 11)
Scene 16: 0.5 hour

Total Time: 8 hours

Character Puppets:

Balloon: 1 hour
Cactus: 2 hours

Total time: 3 hours


Scene 1: 1 hour
Scene 2: 3 hours
Scene 3: 2 hours
Scene 4: 1 hour
Scene 5: 1 hour
Scene 6: 1 hour
Scene 7: 1 hour
Scene 8: 1 hour
Scene 9: 2 hours
Scene 10: 2 hours
Scene 11: 1 hour
Scene 12: 2 hours
Scene 13: 1 hour
Scene 14: 1 hour
Scene 15: 2 hours
Scene 16: 2 hours
Scene 17: 1 hour

Total Time: 25 hours


Credits and “The End” Drawing: 2 hours

Total Overall Time: 38 hours

I have split up the workload over the course of the rest of the quarter. It is subject to change depending on if I get ahead one week or fall behind and have to catch up. My weekly schedule for this project is as follows:

Weekly Schedule

April 19- April 25
Create puppets
Choose music
Make an animatic

April 26- May 2
Animate scenes 1-5

May 3- May 9
Animate scenes 6-10

May 10- May 16
Animate scenes 11-15

May 17- May 23
Animate scenes 16-17
Make credits
Make “The End” drawing

May 24- 28
Catch up
Put it all together
Bask in the glory of done-ness

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